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Green Sock Hop

Green Sock Hop
Students in grades 3rd and 4th please join us for the FIRST School's Out GREEN Sock Hop of the 2023/2024 school year!

Students will receive a snack and juice before dancing up a storm with teachers and staff to music played by DJ Ray! 

Please pick up your student promptly from the GREEN SCHOOL on the Campus of Cambridge Lakes Learning Center.

Late fees will apply if a student is picked up after 5:00 p.m.

Only online registration and payment will be accepted.

If you need to reach a School's Out chaperone during this event, call (630) 461-9534.

Quick Info:
Who:  ALL Third and Fourth-grade students
What: SOCK HOP after school 
Where: GREEN SCHOOL KIVA at Cambridge Lakes Charter School

When: Friday, November 3rd from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $10 per student.

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 1st at 11:00 p.m.

For School's Out questions, contact:
Lynn Franckowiak, School's Out! Co-Director, at (847) 464-4500 or 
Linda Richmond, School's Out! Co-Director, at (847) 464-4500 or

Event Details

Event Date Fri Nov-3-2023 3:30 pm
Event End Date Fri Nov-3-2023 5:00 pm
Cut off date Wed Nov-1-2023 11:00 pm
Capacity 50
Available places 21
Individual Price $10.00
Location School's Out Programs

Location Information - School's Out Programs

Most events at this location are located within the Cambridge Lakes Charter School.

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map