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Pajama Jam

Pajama Jam
Students in 1st through 4th grade are invited to join some of their teachers for the first Pajama Jam of the school year!


Your student will make crafts, play in a bounce house, decorate cookies, paint a pumpkin, and end the night with pizza and a movie!

Students may bring their own blankets, pillows, and pajamas to school and change into them at the end of the school day.

**Registration CLOSES with the 125th registrant regardless of the deadline date**

Please pick up your student promptly at 7:30 pm 
from the
on the campus of CLLC. 

Late fees will apply if the student is picked up late.

Only online registration and payment will be accepted. NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS WILL BE ISSUED OR TRANSFERRED.

Quick Info:
WHO:  Students in 1st through 4th grade
WHEN: Friday, October 11th, 2024, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: RED School at the CLLC

$45 per student and $40 
for each additional student from the same household

**Registration Deadline:
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 at 6:00 PM
**Registration will CLOSE with 125 registrants regardless of the deadline date**

If you need to reach a School's Out during the event, call 847-464-8164.

For School's Out registration information, contact:
Lynn Franckowiak, School's Out! Co-Director, at 847-648-9700 Option #6 or 
Linda Richmond, School's Out! Co-Director, at 847-648-9700 Option #6 or

Event Details

Event Date Fri Oct-11-2024 3:30 pm
Event End Date Fri Oct-11-2024 7:30 pm
Cut off date Wed Oct-9-2024 11:00 pm
Individual Price $45.00
Location School's Out Programs

Group Rate

# of Participants Rate/Person ($)
1 45.00
2 42.50
3 41.67
4 41.25

Location Information - School's Out Programs

Most events at this location are located within the Cambridge Lakes Charter School.

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map